Luanda Science and Technology Park

The Luanda Science and Technology Park (Luanda Tech), under construction since February 2023, is the main objective of the Science and Technology Development Project.

This centre is being built in a space of approximately 60,000 m2 where the National Institute of Statistics used to be and which includes the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Department of Architecture of the Faculty of Engineering, both of Agostinho Neto University.



Name of the Work: Luanda Science and Technology Park

Location of Work: Luanda – area adjacent to the Faculty of Social Sciences at Agostinho Neto University

Description of what it is and what it aims to achieve: This scientific support infrastructure includes, in addition to the refurbishment of the existing buildings, with emphasis on the National Centre for Scientific Research, the construction of nine buildings, which will house the administration of the Technology Park, the business incubator, space for research centres and consolidated companies, a library, an auditorium for 250 people, offices, a restaurant, a commercial area and a greenhouse

It will also include a car park for around 600 vehicles, green areas, sports facilities, roads and pavements.

The construction of this Park aims to facilitate, among other things, the promotion of intellectual property activities and the development of science and technology in Angola. It will have a multi-sector technological focus and aims to make a contribution to improving the national scientific research, development and innovation ecosystem, as well as to the country’s economic diversification and socio-economic growth.

The project is a public investment valued at 100 million dollars, 90 per cent of which will be financed by the African Development Bank. The other 10 per cent comes directly from government counterpart funds. It is scheduled for completion in the second half of 2025.

Cost of Work: 100 million dollars

Contractor: PAN-China Construction Group, Ltd.


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