The reactivation of the Lobito Corridor, one of the main “flagships” of the Angolan Executive, aims to strengthen regional integration and materialise the commitments of the sub-region, with the future ambition of making the Atlantic-Indian interconnection, with the connection of the railway to the Port of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania.

The Lobito Corridor has already benefited from more than 2 billion dollars related to rehabilitation work, which has been carried out by the Angolan public treasury.

There is enormous potential in this reactivation of the corridor, as it will enable the development of sectors along the entire line, including heavy industry, agriculture and mining, creating jobs and new opportunities.


Name of work: Lobito Corridor

Location of work: The Lobito Corridor railway line passes just 5 km from the perimeter of the Kamoa-Kakula mines and crosses the so-called Western Foreland for future mining. The railway route to the port of Lobito is 1,739 km. O percurso ferroviário até ao porto do Lobito é de 1.739 km.

Description of what it is and what it aims to achieve: The consortium that has been established for the concession of rail services and support for the Lobito corridor represents a key route for connecting mines in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to the port of Lobito in Angola and to international markets. This consortium will be responsible for the operation, management and maintenance of the railway infrastructure, intended for the transportation of goods, minerals, liquids and gases for the corridor linking the port of Lobito to Luau (eastern Angola).

There are additional investments along the Lobito – Benguela – Luau railway route, including, on the one hand, the integration of the adjoining railway on the other side of the border, in the DRC, and, on the other, the construction of a branch line to the Republic of Zambia.

An agreement was recently signed between the European Union, the United States, the DRC, Zambia, Angola, the African Development Bank and the African Finance Corporation following the G20 summit in New Delhi. This agreement defines the main lines of collaboration between the different parties and establishes the role and objective of developing the Lobito Corridor, providing for priority cooperation in three areas: investments in transport infrastructure, measures to facilitate trade, economic development and traffic, and support for related sectors to increase sustainable and inclusive economic growth and investments in the three African countries concerned.

Cost of work: concession and operating contract worth 450 million dollars. The concession was established for a period of 30 years, extendable to 50 years.

Exploitation of the work: Consortium consisting of Mota-Engil, Trafigura and Vecturis.


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