New water supply system in Waku-Kungo

Construction has begun on a new water supply system in the town of Waku-Kungo, located in the municipality of Cela, in the province of Kwanza-Sul.


Name of Work: New water supply system in Waku-Kungo

Location of Work: Waku-Kungo, Kuanza-Sul province

Description of what it is and what it aims to achieve: This project marks the start of a 54-month effort, with 30 months dedicated to physical execution and 24 months for testing purposes. Funding for this new water supply system, designed to produce 800 cubic meters of water per hour, includes the development of a distribution network covering 107,015 meters, 7,081 household connections, 12,470 backyard tap connections and 77 public fountains. Construction involves collecting water from the River Queve, installing two raw water pipes and one treated water pipe, establishing a Water Treatment Plant and building three reinforced concrete reservoirs.

It will benefit a total of 180,000 residents. The implementation of this project is crucial to meeting Waku-Kungo’s water needs, as the current system can only supply more than 200 cubic meters per day, serving the urban area and some neighborhoods, but only reaching 1,355 families. This substantial improvement in water infrastructure will greatly increase the population’s quality of life, guaranteeing a more reliable and sufficient water supply to meet their daily needs.

Cost of Work: Banco de Investimento Rural – 79.975.450.765 kwanzas.

Contractor: Casai Angola


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