Rehabilitation of the Cuima/Cusse section

The rehabilitation of the Cuima/Cusse section of National Road EN 354, which connects the provinces of Huambo and Huíla, aims to improve vehicle mobility and facilitate the transportation of agricultural products in the region.


Name of Work: Rehabilitation of the Cuima/Cusse section

Location of the Work:Llinking the provinces of Huambo and Huíla

Description of what it is and what it aims to axchieve: This 65-kilometer infrastructure project aims to improve vehicle mobility and facilitate the transport of agricultural products in the region. The work resumed in March this year after being halted in 2019, and has so far generated a total of 96 jobs.

On a visit to the project site, the Minister of Public Works, Urbanism and Housing, Carlos Alberto dos Santos, expressed confidence that the rehabilitation work could be completed by October 2025, at least as far as the bridge over the Cuando River, which marks the traditional border between the provinces of Huambo and Huíla.

The work is currently 60% physically complete, with earthworks underway, irrigation, transverse and longitudinal drainage and paving activities.

Cost of the Work: more than 100 million dollars

Contractor: Odebrecht


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