Matala Dam
On 31 May 2024, the President of the Republic, João Lourenço, inaugurated the Matala hydroelectric dam. The dam, which began operating in 1959, has benefited from rehabilitation since 2019, increasing its production capacity from 27.2 to 40.8 megawatts.
Name of Work: Matala Dam
Location of work: Huila province, Matala municipality
Description of what it is and what it is intended to achieve: This investment is part of the Executive’s plan to improve the population’s quality of life, in which the rehabilitation of electricity generation infrastructures is fundamental.
Three new turbines are working together and producing 24 mega-watts, but the installed power at the Matala power station is 51, 21 more than the previous production capacity and depending on what the system needs, the operators will manage by activating or deactivating one of the machines.
Rehabilitation work on the dam began in August 2010 and finished in March 2015. They cost 225 million euros. The work to replace the equipment, including the turbines, began three years ago and cost more than 106 million euros.
The commissioning of the Matala plant will bring more energy to the communities of Huíla and Namibe provinces and reduce the large sums of money that the government spends every day on buying fuel to generate thermal energy.
Cost of work: approximately 107 million euros
Contractor: Sociedade de Desenvolvimento da Matala ‘SODMAT’. Its corporate purpose is to manage and administer the infrastructure, water and soil resources, as well as setting up agro-industrial and agro-livestock centres in the Matala irrigated perimeter.
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